miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 8: Series and Movies that I love

In this  I blog will talk about the movies and my favorites series. To first i like too the animes series, and when i child I saw a lot of series of anime, my favorites are Full Metal Alchemist because is the best "shonen" create until now, also other anime serie that I love is “NO.6” that is one “shonen ai” one type of anime that address about the story of love between its characters but isn’t “yaoi”, this anime is very short and have twelve chapter, in the past I saw this anime some sixteen times, seriously I love it. Recently I love watch movies, specially the popular movies that have been prizewinning and especially those that have as an ancient scenography like “Schindler list” or “Carol” also this movies or drama and suspense like “The butterfly effect” and “Shutter Island”. The movie or suspense and anime that I saw, and I think is the best movie of suspense is “Perfect Blue”, It is one of those movies where you don’t know what is really happening and in the end you must give it the sense that you think is necessary. The last serie that touch my hearth is “Bojack Horseman” and address about one world when be animals anthropomorphic that live with humans. Bojack is one horse that have various friends and the greatest of this serie is the personality of his characters, each one is special  and you most to have to watch it.

Bojack Horseman is a Netflix Serie<3

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