martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 8: Personal opinions

In this blog I´ll talk about various opinions of different points.

First, I will talk about my opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases. I believe that te abortion in all cases must be legalizing in our country, I believe in female rights and I understand that it is very important to many women that today must go to clandestine doctors or must go to abort pills when they puts their lives in danger. The abortion in this mining is very controversial in the traditionalist part, when they said that fetus is a one person that they must protect. We must fight that this changes, because we are the future. ¡Down patriarchy!

My opinion about obstetric violence is that exists and is one problem of public health. The women that have been suffering this violence are generally poor women of downs resources. The government must fix this problem because is important for women and is a big abusive problem.

My opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs is positive because I think that each person must choose on their own consumption. I think legalizing of marijuana downs the drugs traffic, because the people will be able to pick its own plants and they wouldn’t buy.

My opinion about recycling is also very positive, because is important that peoples do this to help of planet. The pollution is a serious points and we should take of care and educate people to stop this.

2 comentarios:

  1. it is necessary to educate people to recycle :(

  2. About abortion you should read my post, it is legal in France since 1975 thanks to Simone Veil


Blog 10: My experience learning English in EGGP

Hello this is the last blog, my experience learning English at the university is not good or bad, I liked the classes but the problem h...