lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 10: My experience learning English in EGGP

Hello this is the last blog, my experience learning English at the university is not good or bad, I liked the classes but the problem happened at the beginning of the semester, I was very motivated learning English on my own and I even had an agenda to write down the new words that I learned in the day, then I studied them. Then happened that I got discouraged, but it was only my change of mind, I went from wanting to do everything to not wanting to do anything, I do not know just leave it aside. Even so, I was very grateful for these classes because I learned a lot about pronunciation and basic grammatical rules that I had not understood before. 
I like blogs, I practice much what is the grammar of English and I like to write it, but if they are stories or topics that one likes, I like the topics that we talk about and I also like to see what my classmates write, they are very different realities. I do not like to speak in English because I feel that I need to learn more vocabulary, although I understand much more than a year ago, I move with what I have tried to improve it. That's what I plan to do, improve my vocabulary and start improving my speech. 
Yesterday I took English, I used it watching a movie with subtitles, I like watching movies like that, I learn a lot about expressions and new vocabulary. Little by little I realize that I understand more than they speak because I know how to differentiate the words they use, before I felt they were very close and not, it's just practice. I would like to be able to develop well in case someone needs my help and only speaks English. 
I think it is very necessary for our career, that also motivates me to learn English every day, to think that in the future I could help someone lost on the street or someone who is at work and asks me something.

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 9: Changes to my study programme

Hello, today I talk about that think i change in the school of government and public management I would not know what can be changed to the program, I think it is very complete, my criticism is aimed at teachers who sometimes do not have the skills to do well in their classes and deliver their content, apart from this in the evaluations always in mathematical branches these same teachers place a very large requirement to be able to pass it while their classes do not do enough for their students.
Regarding the infrastructure, I would not change much, if I enabled the top part of the library to have more space to study comfortably and would also enable the space that is next to the backyard because next year, as more people will be integrated, space will be missing. in school, I would even say that we will be a little bit stressed.
It would also increase the number of computer rooms since there are several branches in our curriculum that require the occupation of computers because programs such as Excel, Stata are used in an applied way, therefore there should be more instances of being able to study computer rooms than to supply with the endowment of students that this school has.
Another thing that would change would be the instances of mental health within the school, since lately and generally it is known about people with mood problems that need to be attended by professionals, therefore it would increase the endowment of psychologists in the school.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 8: Personal opinions

In this blog I´ll talk about various opinions of different points.

First, I will talk about my opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases. I believe that te abortion in all cases must be legalizing in our country, I believe in female rights and I understand that it is very important to many women that today must go to clandestine doctors or must go to abort pills when they puts their lives in danger. The abortion in this mining is very controversial in the traditionalist part, when they said that fetus is a one person that they must protect. We must fight that this changes, because we are the future. ¡Down patriarchy!

My opinion about obstetric violence is that exists and is one problem of public health. The women that have been suffering this violence are generally poor women of downs resources. The government must fix this problem because is important for women and is a big abusive problem.

My opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs is positive because I think that each person must choose on their own consumption. I think legalizing of marijuana downs the drugs traffic, because the people will be able to pick its own plants and they wouldn’t buy.

My opinion about recycling is also very positive, because is important that peoples do this to help of planet. The pollution is a serious points and we should take of care and educate people to stop this.

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

Blog 8: Series and Movies that I love

In this  I blog will talk about the movies and my favorites series. To first i like too the animes series, and when i child I saw a lot of series of anime, my favorites are Full Metal Alchemist because is the best "shonen" create until now, also other anime serie that I love is “NO.6” that is one “shonen ai” one type of anime that address about the story of love between its characters but isn’t “yaoi”, this anime is very short and have twelve chapter, in the past I saw this anime some sixteen times, seriously I love it. Recently I love watch movies, specially the popular movies that have been prizewinning and especially those that have as an ancient scenography like “Schindler list” or “Carol” also this movies or drama and suspense like “The butterfly effect” and “Shutter Island”. The movie or suspense and anime that I saw, and I think is the best movie of suspense is “Perfect Blue”, It is one of those movies where you don’t know what is really happening and in the end you must give it the sense that you think is necessary. The last serie that touch my hearth is “Bojack Horseman” and address about one world when be animals anthropomorphic that live with humans. Bojack is one horse that have various friends and the greatest of this serie is the personality of his characters, each one is special  and you most to have to watch it.

Bojack Horseman is a Netflix Serie<3

Blog 7: Postgraduate studies

Well, today I will talk about of my postgraduate studies
In this moment of my life I don’t think about I will do in the future, but I think that will study other career while I work in the public administration. This career is psychology and I love to learn this profession and apply this study in my career of public administration. Also, I like maybe study some post grade for I have more opportunities searching work, because the studies are very important for employer in this sense I will study one graduate in Environment and territorial ordering or one Magister in Government and Public Management where can I will develop the managerial, technical and political competences that allow them to assume responsibilities of high public direction.
In this magister I can also learn a clear understanding of the aims of the State and public service as a fundamental entity for the pursuit of the common good and economic and social development, and a commitment to the values of public ethics, such as probity, equity, justice, humanism and a deep respect for the rights of citizens.
I really like this idea because the vision of the Magister is to train leaders for the management of the public sector, to promote the processes of modernization of public management, to make the public apparatus a fundamental actor in the democratic process of our country.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Blog 6: Better place to kill time

Hello, today I will talk about the places to kill time. In the school the yard of back is a good option for kill time when you have a break between classes. In this place you can smoke and drink some while you spend time with friend. You can stay in this place sit in some chair on shade and wind, because have various trees that give us a cold shade. Same, when make much heat the best option is go to library of the school and this place is very fresh and comfortable, you can take a nap in its coach and you can study in this place with much calm, but sometimes have some noise and this can distract you.  Also another place when I love kill time is my bedroom, I like sleep in my bed and watch movies or series in my computer. In this place is a little difficult study because I distract very easy with something. If I want study I have to go to study room and not stay in my bedroom although is my favorite place.
Other place when I like to kill time is the apartment of my friend Kassandra that living in Talca, her bedroom is small but is very comfortable and always when I go to Talca I stay with her and kill time together and go to University of Talca, that stay very near of her house.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Bog 5: My future job

In the future I think that I like development in administration public area, I prefer the management in some public institution (I prefer some municipality or hospital) in my origin region or in Santiago, still I don´t know. Also apart from this, I would like to study psychologist when I have much money and after to work in this to low cost to help needy. I will feel rewarded because I like this area of knowledge and I'd like to have two degrees in the future. If I can join these two areas I will be very happy, in human resources for example. Apart from that would like to be a graphic designer (but only amateur) and work doing one comic (or various), because I love drawing in my free time and I like be famous and recognized for my stories, always think in let something before die, and this is perfect. I like doing various stuff in the future and I hope achieve my entire goals while I help my mother and my family, although I know that will be very hard and this areas are different but my interests are various and I feel very bad and boring if do just one stuff.  


Blog 10: My experience learning English in EGGP

Hello this is the last blog, my experience learning English at the university is not good or bad, I liked the classes but the problem h...